September 20, 2006

Super Peekaboo posts

Yes, that's what Hans calls them! Earlier, Hans improved my Peekaboo posts hack by adding a "Summary only" link with which you can collapse it back to summary. Many of you thought this is a good feature. Together, we have also made the "Read more" link to show up only for the posts that have been divided into summary and full post. So, it won't appear anymore for the shorter posts/old posts which you haven't divided. As an example, this post was not divided and so you don't see any "Read more" link.

Hans has announced the final version of code in his post. I have also updated my original post with this version of code. If you have already applied the hack, you just have to replace some lines in red with different lines in red :). If you are a new Beta blogger, you could wait for the 3-column templates that I am going to release which will have this and my other hacks built-in!


Anonymous said...

Cool, I was quite awhile because I wasn't really interested with read more. Sometimes, my entries are not too long. And now, WOW!!!!

Thank you Ramani, ok, I gtg to Hans' Blog.

Deb said...

Thank you, you give great directions, easy to follow. I have to admit that I just cut and paste whatever is on the page instead of retyping the code in red but I'm sure it helps the true geeks out there follow your reasoning.

I just want the result and you provide that more than adequately.

Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Raquel, you now have the freedom to use summary or not.

Debra, If you can cut and paste at the right place without problems, that's all is needed.

SQT said...

I love the new format, but I am having a problem.

When I move on to a new paragraph, a code comes up in my html section that causes the font in my new paragraph to go to 0. (I tried to put it here, but blogger won't let me)

I have to add the html for the peekaboo post after I'm done so I don't have to keep messing around with my font.

Obviously I've done something wrong, but I can't figure out what. I've compared what I put in my template to what you have here, and I don't see a difference.

Do you know what I should do?

SQT said...

Me again. I literally replaced everything. I went through you code and went line by line and replaced everything and it does seem to be working fine now.

You don't have to put up all the posts I sent you. It'd probably just clog up the comments. I don't mind if you delete them all.

I just hope you don't mind all the comments at 1:00 in the morning.

Zbyszek said...

I would really like to use this hack on my blog (irishelectionstudy), but I can't seem to find the 'includable' line in my template code (Minima). What could I do?
Many thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

SQT, Good that you got it corrected. Just replacing that whole section of code is a good way.

Zbyszek, that includable is the main includable and it should be there in all the new templates. Did you click on "Expand widget templates" to get the expanded version of template?

Anonymous said...

I rigged it up for Non Beta as well.

Unknown said...

That's great Hans!! I will announce with a new post now.

Tony Parrish47 said...

I have used your three column template already, has it got the peekaboo posts already in it or are you still working on that? i can't seem to see it. should i wait and then import the whole thing again?

Unknown said...

Yes, tony. i will add the peekaboo and other hacks to my 3 column templates and release them in a day or two.

Priya said...

Hi Ramani,
I found your blog while I was looking for beta hacks. I am relatively new to blogger and spent quite a good amount of time setting up my blog.But the arrival of the beta blogger has tempted me to shift into it. I still wanted to retain the look of my old blog and am trying to replicate the look in beta.
Your blog has been of mighty help, I've taken your tips for creatng the 3-column structure and the cade for Multi -style-Labels and also the latest posts.I would love to see a hack for recent comments too.

Thank you soo much for all the hacks :-)

Unknown said...


Happy to help you out. There's a catch with recent comments. somebody will solve it soon.

Anonymous said...

I have just developed a new improvement on Peek-A-Boo. After collapsing the expanded post, it auto-scrolls back to the top of the post.

Check it out at Beautiful Beta.

Ramani, could you please update your hackosphere.js-file to include the code-improvement and make it available to us all?

Unknown said...


Just a few minutes back, I read your post. Another great improvement on this hack!!

I have already added your code to change to hackosphere.js and this blog. It works great in firefox. In IE, it loses the margin after scrolling into view. Do you have an idea how to fix this?

Anonymous said...

Great improvement! Works wonderfully!

How do I get this to work on my label pages, too?

Clip said...

I just switched to blogger beta today and I had my blog rigged to have embeded videos hidden until the link was clicked and the video then expanded on the main page. I used Insane Hares: Read More Link (the toggle way) way to do this but this doesn't work with beta. The thing I liked about it was that I could name each expandable link differently and was able to place many of them anywhere with in a post, here's an example of it Embeded videos in expandable posts there are two videos about mid way down this post. I was wondering if there was a way to do the same with your code and guide because it seems similarly implemented to the way Insanes Hares is.

Thanks for your blog it's been a great help to a beta beginner.

Unknown said...

Clip, Our peekaboo posts hack is similar to what you described but it has only one Read more link. I think most blogger will be happy with that. For you, I could probably give instructions on how to add code to the post itself to have multiple expandibles. I will try it out when I get some time.

Clip said...

Cheers ramani, it was just the shock of switching to beta and then having all the videos on the main page load up at once, witch made the page slow as.

manetsute said...

Um, it's me again, trying to write "normal" english heehee...
Hey, i've been tryin to figure out what im doing wrong with the peek-a-boo instructions. i found the includable and tried replacing as it says. But it wont work...ur 3-column switch did im kinda perplexed. Am doing it wrong, i dunno where?? HELP!! i want it so badly...thanks!!

Unknown said...


I hope you saved the template before starting. If so, send me your modified version and revert back to the previous version. I will fix it when I get some time.

manetsute said...

ur the best! well i tried downloading ur ready-made three-column template instead, it worked! only that i lost some of my page elements, of course. but it's all worth it!! ur the best!!