Author comment notification is another hack that I did for the old Blogger. When somebody posts a question/comment in your blog and you respond to him, the commenter may not see the response unless he checks your blog a few times. If (s)he landed in your blog through blog search or Blogger's next blog chain, (s)he may not even remember your blog's URL. Sometimes, you type a long response and it goes into blackhole. With this notification, you can send an automated email message to the commenter with just one click. This message will contain your name, your post’s title and its permanent link so that the commenter can easily come back and see your response. This hack is actually a service hosted in my website [Please note that notification can be sent only to those who have shared their email address in their Blogger profile.]
Now, for the code changes. First find this class called comment-body, copy it to define another class comment-body-author and modify it for the way your comments should look like. For example, here I have set the color to what I want and made it bold.
.comment-body {
padding:0 0 0 20px;
.comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .2em 0;
.comment-body-author {
padding:0 0 0 20px;
.comment-body-author p {
margin:0 0 .2em 0;
Then, search for "id ='comments-block'" in your template to identify the portion of code in this page and add the new code shown in red and blue. The red one is for author comment highlighting and the blue one is for comment notification.
After you make those changes, goto any post page with comments and you will see the an image after every comment (NOT in the comments page where you type comments). As you can see in this example, there's an image below Richard's comment.

Once I respond to Richard, if I click that image, an email similar to the following one will be sent to the email address in his profile. [If the person has not shared an email address, no email will be sent.]
Subject: Response to your comment has been posted
"Ramani has responded to your comment on Peekaboo posts improved again. Please click this link to see the response."
As a security feature, this image will be shown ONLY when the blog author is logged into Blogger. Visitors to your blog won't see this image and so they won't be able to use this feature. Also, be judicious in using this service (if you send emails for trivial responses, your readers may not like it).
Hi Ramani,
Been reading your blog via RSS for quite a while now. And I'm quite impressed at what you've managed to do with Blogger Beta.
I have a few suggestions on Comment Highlighting. You can enclose it in includables. That way, you can reuse it for other commenters, as well (useful for a group blog).
To see an example of what I'm saying, here's an example from my blog.
Comment Author Highlighting, and Photo Avatar was achieved using the new Blogger Beta includables.
I am so busy these days that I couldn't even document the hack.
Hope you have a good day. :)
Oh before I forgot, can I request a hack? If you have time, can you look into Edit Comments for Blogger Beta.
Michael, thanks and good job on the photo display. As there's not much code for the highlighting, I didn't consider includable. will think about it.
Yes, comment editing would be helpful. need to check how it was done for pre-Beta blogs.
I was wondering which part of the code made the blog authors comments indented and is it possible to change it so they are alligned exactly like the other comments?
BTW I love the hacks, keep up the good work.
Good catch. I wanted to fix it but kept forgetting. Now I fixed it. You need to copy both the overall style and paragraph style definition for the class. I have updated this post. Try again now.
Hey i know this is a little off topic (ok, completely off topic) but i figured you'd be the best source...
i like the idea of the peeka-boo hack, but i would like to implement it in my sidebar, where i have long lists of info and i'd like to shorten them up, but still have them expandable so the reader can see the whole list if he wants to.
Any way you could help me out with this? It'd be a huge help.
Thanks, and keep up the good work - love the site.
you know that the is blocked in china,and how can i do in this condition?
can i save the PHP to my server?
love your blog,thanks a lot for your hacks ,they're sweet!
In Blogger there is a trick to put the box of commentaries in the page of the individual entrances, is this possible in Blogger Beta?
Hello Ramani. Nice to see to back in action :) I implemented this hack and it works gr8. Good stuff. Thanks! Can this also be implemented on the page where readers leave their comments?
Ramani, I noticed a mistake in the code you posted. The <input> tags are not accepted when I save the template. It seems it has to be closed like this: <input/>
However, after adding the notification hack it doesn't show up at my comments. Do you know why this might not be?
point23, Anne had written how to do this. check this out.
咖啡鱼, I don't know why my website is banned in china! The hacks there are harmless Blogger hacks only. (but it makes me feel more important ;-) I will check what can be done about it and get back to you.
I believe you are asking for comment box in post pages itself. With Blogger Beta, it's not a good idea because it's not secure. Blogger's comment page uses secure http so that commenter's google account credentials are safeguarded. Post pages are not secure like this. If google account is stolen, they can access your emails etc. So, I won't support the idea.
Blogger's comment page cannot be manipulated with template editing. so, its not possible.
Good catch. I must have copied the incorrect version. corrected it now. But I don't know why it's not working for you even after correcting. I hope is not banned in Netherlands too :). Anyways, try accessing the website and let me know.
I guess your blog has problems in china because any changes have to come from some government approved entity. Allowing the people to make changes on there own may lead to freedom of thought. Something that the government doesn't want.
Been waiting for this hack from you=) Works beautifully! Thanks very much=D
angelinnocent, you are welcome.
Great. Always envied this feature on WordPress. I have incorporated this to my blog. Just wanted to ask whether it was possible to change the background colour for the blog author's comments?
Sowmyadip, you could set the background color by setting the bgcolor property for the class comment-body-author. I haven't tried it though.
Thnks for the authors comments highlighting & 1 clik notifier
I was ale to recreate my classic template look in beta..pheew..
so this works fine...
I still have some minor prob with the peek-a-boo posts...
thanks again
Will try that. Thanks.
The solution, not to use the identity of Blogger (with user and password), but only OTHER identity with nick and web page?
Hi Ramani
Regarding the comment notifier, it appears also for the commenter if they are logged to blogger, but only after his/her own comments.
Looking at the source of the post page, the code is also created for every comment. I've been searching for a condition to display the code only when the blog owner is the one logged in, but can't find anything yet.
Yes, it will behave the same way as any other author-only feature. I used Blogger's item-control class with data:comment.adminClass to control if it is displayed or not. This is not documented in Blogger's help pages. I figured it out from the code for other such author-only features.
thanks ramani,i use this and is work great.thanks a lot man!
now i must ask you to do the whole deal Ramani. background and everything.
hi Ramani,
I just want to add the notification hack to my blog and not the author highlighting hack...
Can you please tell me how to do that?
Just apply the code in blue and not the ones in red.
Hi Ramani,
Loved your hacks.
However, I'm not able to figure out where to insert the codes.
This is how my comments code looks.
/* Comments
----------------------------------------------- */
#comments h4 {
margin:1em 0;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.4em;
color: $sidebarcolor;
#comments-block {
margin:1em 0 1.5em;
#comments-block .comment-author {
margin:.5em 0;
#comments-block .comment-body {
margin:.25em 0 0;
#comments-block .comment-footer {
margin:-.25em 0 2em;
line-height: 1.4em;
#comments-block .comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .75em;
.deleted-comment {
#blog-pager-newer-link {
float: left;
#blog-pager-older-link {
float: right;
#blog-pager {
text-align: center;
.feed-links {
clear: both;
line-height: 2.5em;
After this portion,
#comments-block .comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .75em;
you could insert this and try.
#comments-block .comment-body-author p {
margin:0 0 .75em;
Thank you very much Ramani!
I just did it to my blog ( and it worked!
I treid as per your instructions, but never worked for me.
Ramani, thanks for the great always. I was able to get the author comment highlighting to work, but I can't get the notification to work. Any ideas?
Annie, do you see the notifier image atleast?
@Ramani, no. nada. nothing :-(
But, on the bright side, my comments are a beautiful red!
Annie, I'm surprised. I hope you found the portion of code shown in this page and inserted the code in blue.
Then, I don't see why it fails. You must be logged into Blogger to see the notifier image though.
@Ramani, I am at home now and it is working! At work I didn't see the button. Maybe because I use Firefox and work uses IE?? But, it is working great now. Thanks!!
That's strange, annie. For me, it works in both. Btw, I added a link to your blog in my "They got hack" section. Wanted to do it long back but somehow slipped my mind.
Thank you Ramani. It works fine!!!
hi !
thanks for all your hacks but i've got a problem.
I've done the highlighting thing only and it doesn't work. All the comments still look the same and i don't know why !
is your hack compatible with singpolyma's peek-a-boo comments ?
Nym, I will have to check on that. I haven't tried peekaboo comments myself. Does highlighting work atleast in post pages?
Hi, because of some or other reason, this hack does not work for me.
Could you please give some more detailed description?
I'm not web designer, I just have a blog, so I can follow the instructions, but I'm not able to complete the missing part of the instruction.
Thx in advance.
Szőlősgazda, are you seeing the notifier image in POST pages with comemnts? it won't appear in the page where you write comments.
@ramani : oups,i didn't think of looking on the post pages hihi... yes, it works on the post pages but not on the labels pages nor on the main pages.
LOL, I was freak.
I have not noticed, that "this page" text is a link in the description, so that part of the code were missing from my template.
Thx for the help, it is working now.
Resume: do not use links, freaks can not recognize them.
Looks like I should put back the underline for hyperlinks. Its probably confusing some without the underline.
Hi Ramani,
Many thanks for your hacks that are helping me to improve my blog.
However I don't know where introduce the codes:
/* Comments
----------------------------------------------- */
#comments h4 {
margin: 1em 0;
color: $dateHeaderColor;
#comments h4 strong {
font-size: 110%;
#comments-block {
margin: 1em 0 1.5em;
line-height: 1.3em;
#comments-block dt {
margin: .5em 0;
#comments-block dd {
margin: .25em 0 0;
#comments-block dd.comment-footer {
margin: -.25em 0 2em;
line-height: 1.4em;
font-size: 78%;
#comments-block dd p {
margin: 0 0 .75em;
.deleted-comment {
.feed-links {
clear: both;
line-height: 2.5em;
#blog-pager-newer-link {
float: left;
#blog-pager-older-link {
float: right;
#blog-pager {
text-align: center;
Dear Ramani,
The altered CSS that you offered to Desi Devil appears to be the code of choice for me too. I am just wondering, before I go further and add the other part of the code if that also should be altered.
Guessing here - should the second part of the (red) code in my case be:
b:if cond=' =='
dd class='comments-block-comment-body-author p'
p data:comment.body//p
b:if cond=' =='
dd class='comment-body-author'
p data:comment.body//p
(NB. I've just taken these < > out for the sake of being able to post in this comment section without getting an error message)
With many thanks,
SJ xx
SJ, I believe the second part doesn't have to change. Only the CSS part needs to change.
It's surprising that you don't have any comment-body class. Are you sure? Which template is this?
Thanks for getting back to me Ramani.
SJ xx
Quite strange...
My Blogger Template Style
Name: Washed Denim
I have insert the blue code in a test 3 column template I've been working on. I saw the little button below a comment I made on Hans site before I had done anything code wise. I'm confused. I don't see it on any other sites. including my real site not my test. Don't see it on your site either.
When I checked your test blog, I saw the code that you inserted. But when I checked the Bird watching blog, I didn't see it. Are you sure you inserted it there too?
Btw, you won't see the button in my blog or any others using this service. ONLY the blog author can see it in their blog. I had mentioned about this in this post.
Thank you, no just working on my test blog right now. I've managed to get the three column working and also the comment notification is magically working now as well. Cool.
It's a great hack.
Thanks again.
Sorry, The last comment (the one where I asked you to delete it) was by me. I found a bug in my author comment highlighting, and wanted to check if the same was happening on your blog too. But unfortunately, I had forgotten that you have the post approval feature on. What has happened is that, today someone commented on my blog who used the same name as me (Soumyadip) using the 'other' option in 'choose an identity' in the comment posting page. And on my blog comments it had the same highlighting as the comments made by me. I tired it myself and saw it happening again. I hadn't logged on to blogger, just simply used my name. Could you suggest a way out?
Do you think this person just happened to have your name or did he misuse Blogger's Other option? Right now, since Blogger allows same nickname to be used in multiple profiles, you will have to add something unique to your nickname if you are concerned.
Ramani, thank you for the hack.
One comment I'd like to make is that yours are the clearest explanations of Blogger Beta hacks available on the web.
Many people offer great tips/hacks but present them with so many mental shortcuts, possible to figure out only for advanced/semi-advanced HTML users, that I get confussed and give up.
Half of the success is to write tha hack, the other half is to give it to people in an understandable manner.
Thanks for the great job.
Thanks for the compliment. I put myself in the readers' place and give hints to make things easy. One such hint that I give usually is a unique term to search for in the template that takes you right to the portion of code which has to be modified.
Hi Ramani,
I tried following all of your directions to this comment notification but I still can't get it to work on my blog. I am logged on and I still can't see the button. Can you help? Thanks.
Are you checking in any post page containing some comments? If you are checking in the page where you type comments, it won't appear there.
Thanks, worked a treat on the blog :) - good example here:
Any tips to get the graphic logo to be clickable to return to homepage would be appreciated as this is my next problem!!
hey ramani,
i tried to do the different background color you mentioned, but i can't get it to work. i did this:
.comment-body-author p {
margin:0 0 .5em;
any suggestions? im guessing at the syntax...
Thanks for this great hack. I am using it on my site. I will also at you to my technorati to promote your site.
Thank you CD.
Hi Ramani, can you help me by providing the html/css for non-beta? Until now, I'm still on the old version.
Non-beta version of author comment notification is already described in this post.
If you need non-beta code for comment highlighting also, just wait for a day or two.
Thanks Ramani,
You have explained the above topic in a very lucid manner, I installed the same without much problems. Way to go.
Hello Ramani. I have written a tutorial of sorts for all those who are interested in adding backgrounds to their comments section. Do check it out at my blog and point your readers to it if you think it serves their purpose. Cheers!
Yes, I saw that Vivek. Good stuff. I will write about it soon.
Just for the record, this hack will not work with my peek-a-boo comments (someone asked about that). That's because this relies on the actual template code, whereas my hack pulls the main/archive comments in via JavaScript.
I could build highlighting into my hack, but really, if you want author highlighting with my hack use my photos and highlighting hack (as updated by purplemoggy) with the photos turned off (if you don't want them).
I changed my comment-body color referring to your good post.
Thanks :)
I'm going to give this one a second whirl! :P Does this still rely on the e-mail address provided by the commenter in his profile?
(Use the notifier to let me know when you answer this ;) )
yes, it requires email address in the profile.
Hi Ramani,
I was trying this hack.. Somehow its not working for me.. Can you please confirm how to make it work..
Actually in my template, there is no comment-body style. What I had was the following:
#comments-block .comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .75em;
So, I had changed the code litte to :
#comment-block .comment-body-author {
padding:0 0 0 20px;
#comment-block .comment-body-author p {
margin:0 0 .2em 0;
Is this fine? Am I missing something?
And Happy holidays :)
Hi Ramani,
Re: Author Comment Highlighting.
I was looking for some code to detect an author comment and this was exactly it!
Instead of using it to change background colours and text I used it to alter an image for the author instead. You can see it here.
You code will prove very helpful for other tweaks I have planned.
Thanks Again!!
I'm trying to get some of my blogger friends to install this hack. I'm not sure if it's working. Can you respond to me with one click.
I don't have this hack installed in this blog yet. can you tell me what exactly is the problem that you face?
Author Comment Highlighting with email notification
I would like to implement an Author Comment Highlighting featrure on my New Blogger blog but without the email notification feature. I have made tests with your codes but things don’t work out.
I’m using a Minima Stretch Template. The codes on my template don’t exactly match with your example red codes provided above.
/* Comments
----------------------------------------------- */
#comments-block {
margin:1em 0 1.5em;
#comments-block .comment-author {
margin:.5em 0;
#comments-block .comment-body {
margin:.25em 0 0;
#comments-block .comment-footer {
margin:-.25em 0 2em;
line-height: 1.4em;
#comments-block .comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .75em;
The portion of code related to "id ='comments-block'" also doesn't exactly match with my template.
Can you help me?
Author Comment Highlighting without email notification-Thanks Ramani!: Your suggested CSS definition has worked fine with my Minima Stretch Template. I have implemented your suggested CSS definition
#comments-block .comment-body-author {
margin:.25em 0 0;
and the portion of the red code related to "id ='comments-block'". At first it didn’t work but I have tried it a few times on my test blog and it finally gave the desired results. The “text-decoration:bold;” portion don’t display on my page but that’s ok with me.
Ramani my code is same as Desi Devil's code (on comment page #6,Oct 21) and I added the code as you suggested to him. But it don't work.
I have uploaded my template here for you to check what is wrong. The comment page is here on my test blog.
I just implemented your Author comment highlighting and notiication hack in my blog, and think I'm really going to like it.
I have been having some issues with linkbacks, though, and see that your linkbacks are set up exactly as I would like mine to be (mine do not display a link to the referencing page). Do you have any backlink tips, tricks, or hacks published on your blog that you'd share? I didn't see any listed under new blogger hacks. But it drives me crazy to not be able to follow a link back to a referencing post, since that is what I would think the whole purpose of backlinks is.
Also, I created a link on my blog to this post, and it doesn't show up. Is there just a bit of lag? I am new to all this backlinks stuff, so I don't really know how any of it works, or is supposed to work, and couldn't figure it out on my own.
Thanks for your help, and for the wonderful hack!
Can you read this post about backlinks and check if the change needs to be made in your blog? Also, I assume you have already enabled backlinks in Settings.
Thanks so much for this [b]Ramani[/b]! The solution that you gave [b]Alain[/b] worked perfectly for me. I love this site and I will be visiting a lot from now on!
i've translated this post and found there is a page from
as you know, we cannot get on your site. would you please put this page to your googlepage. thanks a lot.
this post in Chinese
I will copy all the pages from to googlepages. I will let you know once I am done.
Hello. I ccan't get this to save. It always comes up with xml error. Without it, the code is fine and can be saved. Can you help me?
My blog is at
Please email response if possible to
Thank you so much Ramani!
Hey there is a problem with ur hack... ive installed all that uve said
But when i set my background color.. i get background color in all the comments including the author
my code is
#comments h4 {
margin:1em 0;
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 1.4em;
color: $sidebarcolor;
#comments-block {
margin:1em 0 1.5em;
#comments-block .comment-author {
padding:0 0 0 20px;
#comments-block .comment-body {
margin:.25em 0 0;
#comments-block .comment-footer {
margin:-.25em 0 2em;
line-height: 1.4em;
#comments-block .comment-body p {
margin:0 0 .75em;
#comments-block .comment-body-author p {
margin:0 0 .2em 0;
hmmm, your comment highlight hack is not full proof. it can be broken if someone hasn't enabled comment moderation or has allowed anonymous/non-google acct comments.
i think you should put that information. :-)
for ex, if you allow user name and link; try putting your name and your profile link. it will show that comment as author comment.
to fix it, you need to put an extra check (javascript). i have implemented it and can send if interested but maybe you can figure it out. also, its not needed on your blog.
Hi Ramani,
I have your great hack for quite some time, from when you published. It has always worked well since the beginning and still is, but there is a hick.
I have a team blog. When I am logged in as admin I can see the "1 click notifier" icon under all comments including my own. But the others do not see it the same way. They see the icon only under their own comments, therefore making it impossible to send a notification to anyone but to themselves.
I have coloured comments background also for the same blog with different colours for the author and for the visitor. This is OK in all cases.
I wonder whether the aberration I've described is supposed to be like that or I have scrambled the code in any way. I rechecked and it seems to be right.
Somebody had reported this issue before. I really didn't design this to handle such crooked minded people. I came up with this hack for improving communication in your blog.
Mentiroso, by others, do you mean others in your team blog? I need to check why it doesn't work for team blogs.
Herat, I got time to check up your blog only now. Looks like it's ok now?
Yes, Ramani. By others I mean the other members of my team blog. Thanks.
Hey Ramani,
It doesn't have to be crooked-minded always. It can be a simple innocent mistake too say a person with the same name as yours. Even though they didn't intend to post as admin, their name will highlight the comment. Thats all I'm saying. Its just the geek in me troubled me, thats it. :-)
Although I do understand your point here. Cheers!
Hey R, I got this to kind of work, though instead of shading it, it turns my text color the color of the shading. I guess that would fulfill the same purpose, just letting you know.
Here's the link:
I know you are having problems but I need help immediately. I have blog readers that can no longer access my blog and are getting abort messages.
I have tried to delete the comment notifier from my template and I get errors that it is parsed wrong. I am deleting the red and blue code that I put in before.
Please help asap!
Thank you.
Hi ramani,
I just wanted to let you know that your one click notification is not working anymore. It's not a javascript, so if you forward anniyalogam to bvibes, it should work...
It worked! My comment notification is fixed. Thank you so much, I was afraid that I would have to delete it and it's important to me.
Thank you so much again.
I'm having a heck of a time trying to get this to work... any suggestions?
Also I accidentally my powered by NEO widget can I have another one please?
This hack might be broken. StickyKeys also reported so. I am busy with bringing back in good shape. After that, I will look into this.
If someone uses the same name as the Blog Author, it will definitely show up.
I have tried.
Any ideas?
To prevent someone else from using the same name as the author, you can use
This comparison...
data:comment.adminClass == data:post.adminClass
instead of this one ==
Hope this helps
Hey Ramani. This hack looks great, but I can't figure out where to put the code. Here is the comments section of my (Son of Moto) template:
#comments {
border: 0;
border-top: 1px dashed #eed;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-$endSide: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-$startSide: 0;
padding: 0;
#comments h4 {
margin-top: 10px;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: italic;
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: 1px;
#comments dl dt {
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
margin-top: 35px;
padding-top: 1px;
padding-$endSide: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-$startSide: 18px;
background: transparent url( top $startSide no-repeat;
#comments dl dd {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.deleted-comment {
thanks for tutorial, have a nice day n good luck for you
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