September 5, 2006

I just made it to Blogs of Note!

My blog has been recognized by Blogger team as a blog of note! I am grateful to them for letting my blog appear in the main page of and in thousands of bloggers' dashboards. You made my day! I also thank John/Greg, Avatar and all my readers for their continuing support.

- Ramani


Avatar X said...

That is great Ramani, that mst be pete doing.

Anonymous said...

great job!

Sharon Pickering said...

Extremely awesome!!!

temp said...


Post Google Ads on Your blog t get money

How ?

Visit to learn for free


pilgrimchick said...

I am amused by how many people use people's "blogs of note" as platforms for their advertising crap--hence above.

Congrats on the acquisition of the title, and I wish you far less ad ridiculousness.

Raquel said...

You did a good job Ramani, keep it up.

I just downloaded the xml file using firefox browser, thanks.

BionicBuddha said...

Nice job...the blogsite is very interesting (I'm still trying to get my head around the blogging in beta thing)...looking forward to future posts. Thanks for sharing.

Warrior said...

Good for you Ramani, your lucky day. Great stuff!

Unknown said...

thanks to all those who congratulated me.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ramani!

Keep up the good work.

High Power Rocketry said...

Welcome to the club!

Anonymous said...

Hi.I like the template of your blog very much. Could you tell me the code of this template? or send me its code? I would like to thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! And very much deserved. Keep up the good work.

Miss Cheah said...

Your blog deserves to be included in the Blogs of Note for all the interesting info. I am a real novice at this and will most definitely find what you write most informative and useful.
Thank you.

Li Na

Prasanna said...

Hi Ramani,

I heard of your blog through the blogs of note recently and found it to be useful. I am also interested in hacking the blogger beta.
I hope you have heard of the blogcamp to be held this weekend in Chennai and I would be happy if you could let me to refer to your blog for having a session on hacking blogspot blogs. I would also be happy if you could participate in this camp or post your ideas to our group.

Thanks and Wishes
Prasanna N

Unknown said...

Prasanna, yes you could use my hacks for your camp. I live in California and so I can't make it to the camp.

Prasanna said...

Thanks Ramani,

I sure would be happy to use them. I also would like to ask a tip from you . Is there any way we can remove the Subscribe to posts(Atom) below in the new blogger?

Unknown said...

Prasanna, you will have to find this line in your expanded template and remove them.

b:include name='feedLinks'/>

Anonymous said...

wonderful stuff, ramani. i've switched to beta but hesitated changing my template but think i'm going full steam ahead. thanks for the great widgets. keep hacking. :)

Anonymous said...

That's absolutely awesome, Ramani. You deserve to be there.

Anonymous said...

that's a great news!

Cheers, Rohitent