December 15, 2006

Coloring comments, 3-column Rounders etc

I just wanted to update you all about some nice hacks that are available in the neighborhood. Vivek has written about how to add background colors to your comments. This one builds upon my author comment highlighting hack. If you are somebody who gets excited about using colors, this is a great way to improve your blog's visual impact.

John Figth has managed to convert Rounders 3 template to 3 columns. He has written a descriptive post on what changes he did. If you are interested in this, try it out and ask him if you have any doubts. Here's the blog where he uses this new template.

And, Volker has created a Feeds page where he displays the latest posts from all the various Blogger hack blogs. One page, too many hacks!


Anonymous said...

Ramani, I need your help. I have read your blog and found it to be very helpful. I'm asking if you can help recode my blog. The old template was set for Blogger and now I can't convert it to beta because I don't know much about CSS. My blog is here. You can email me at I would like to complete the change before 2007. Thank you.

Unknown said...


I can only help with the issues you might face with my hacks. Sorry.

delang said...

about rounder, i already made rectangle on sidebar and main. but do u have any idea to change to rounder,have curves... i dont know much about css.thanks.

EscapeGames24 said...

Thanks Ramani for the everything here in your site.

I want to ask a question about comments. How can we make links open in new window at comments section, links of commenters name and links in the post etc. This makes visitors not leave our site. Please help about that. Thanks.

delang said...

woo...u've dont great job.3 column template with rounder.i just want make like that too.pls visit my blog and leave comment at

Unknown said...


You will have to add target='_blank' to all those links. I am not aware of an easy way.

delang said...

ive already change my blog border to rounder, come n see :D

Stavanger said...

perhaps a better rounder2 3 column mod at mod by

Anonymous said...

great wotk dude

Explorer said...

ohh great. i suppose this URL( is blog. then y blogspot is not there?

Unknown said...


When I started this blog, Blogger didn't have custom domain support. Once this blog became a Blog of note, this URL was linked from numerous blogs and so I didn't want to move it to another address when custom domains were announced.

Herat Acharya said...

hi ..... nice post...
I saw ur neo template and i guess it uses css developed by mozilla for round corners.... so it wont work in IE i guess....

I've used a similar thing too in my blog.... Blogger unplugged

Its in beta stage but please check out the template and give ur feedback....
Thanx in advance.... :)